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Get the Secret to a GLOWING Skin for the Holidays ✨

Writer: BellaBella

"What HAVE you been doing? Your skin looks AAAMAZING!" 😮

When was the last time you heard it?

If you're anything like me, you want that perfect, glowing, dewy skin for the holidays. And you want all the compliments that come with it 😉 You want to be the envy of the party, and admired by all for your gorgeous skin.

You certainly don't want to show up looking pale as fresh snow. Sorry, Snow White. But it's true. Pale is just not that attractive.


DAYS 1-6

MOST IMPORTANT: Drink 3-5 cups of tea EVERY DAY. You can exchange this with water, drop a little lemon in it with some honey, or something else not sugary. I want to boost up my skin from within, and water does it best. 💦

Daytime: simple splash with water followed by five drops of lemon juice. You got that right: I want that vitamin C to brighten my complexion and neutralize any funky stuff going on with my skin. Then throw on my moisturizer and off I go about my day! 🎀

Evening: Clean face with micellar water and heavy, moisturizer. I like to cheat here and use SUN BRONZE Ultra-Tanning Butter. But wait, Bella! you might say. That's a tanning butter for the sun or tanning bed. Why would you use it on your face?

Because it's PACKED with so many goodies, vitamins and minerals and anti-aging ingredients. It's the amazing heavy moisturizer.

I take a pea-sized amount and dab all over my face. My skin eats it up! 😋

SUN BRONZE Ultra Tanning Butter

DAYS 7-8

Daytime: I stop the lemon now because my skin is prepped. I only apply a moisturizer and keep my skin as clean as possible.

DAYS 8-12

Days 8 and 10 I will use a face mask to take care of any remaining impurities. But I am not concerned, because here comes my secret weapon that will clear everything up.

Evening: I switch back to my regular moisturizer. I mix into 1-2 drops of my favorite facial tanning serum IN THE WORLD: Face Glow. This will start giving my skin a healthy glow from within. And by only using 1-2 drops, I don't get super tan, just dewy and sun-kissed enough to look healthy and gorgeous. 😍

AND, it fights redness, acne, bacteria, and any inflammation or pigmentation your skin might still have. It works in the background while also glowing you up. It is a SERIOUS powerhouse of a serum.

I also have time to adjust my tone. So if I reach the color I want, I will stop using Face Glow before Day 12. But if I'm still feeling a bit pale, I will maybe add another drop or two, for a total of 3-4 drops on Day 11. That'll give me the glow I want.

Face Glow Facial Tanning Serum


Because I used Face Glow, my skin should now be clean, glowing, and slightly sunkissed looking. Just enough to make them stop and stare. And my makeup goes onto my skin like butter! Is it possible to be this in love with my reflection? Yes it is!

Happy Holidays, and I hope my routine helps you find your Christmas glow, too!🎀





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